Tuesday, December 8, 2009

First Snow Baby!

Here is the first time Shea was outside walking in the snow- which she loved!
We also brought some inside so she could touch it- but she was so sad when it fell apart and started to melt! Poor baby! :(

Monday, November 2, 2009

We Have a Walker!

Shea is finally starting to walk on her own! The video is not great, I know :)After finding her balance Shea made it across the room to daddy :)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Shea's First Birthday- Walking with Mommy

Shealyn Figures Out Walking!

I was doing something in the kitchen when I looked up and saw Shea using her little walker toy for the first time ever- these are the first steps she took all on her own!

Shealyn Reads a Story!

When we went to Missouri for a visit Shea was able to meet her Uncle Matt and his girlfriend Lexi for the first time. Matt and Shea bonded pretty quickly- this was the first time we've seen her read a story to someone else!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

4th of July 2009

Another year with the Weingardt clan in Burlington. Another year for the wooden frame, chicken wire and a few thousand bottle rockets lit at once. This time we did it during the day- not as colorful as it is in the dark, but still pretty entertaining!

4th of July 2008

The video has poor filming skills, yes I'll own that one :o)
This is what 7,200 bottle rockets lit off at once looks like in the dark. An old video, yes, but I know people enjoy seeing it when we talk about so we wanted to post it. The pictures detail the boys putting it together; what it looked like before and after lighting it; and what the damage to the pavement looked like! Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Beginning

Here we go!

Welcome to our space. I won't pretend that we will update this as regularly as we probably should. We will, however, make good use of this blog to post videos. Our family photo sharing site, www.Toland.smumug.com is a great starting point to see what's going on in our world.

Thanks for checking in!