Sunday, April 15, 2012

Last Night Was a Looong Night!

We were pooped this fine Sunday morning! After a long day of nasty storms (multiple) moving through our area, we were up late listening to the tornado sirens go off 3 different times last night!  Trying to figure out what type of action to take is stressful and tiring. Thankfully the weather's bark was louder then its' bite and everyone in our area was safe.

Luckily, before going to bed we threw together a french toast bake I'd been wanting to try and popped it in the fridge. So this morning we pulled it out, crumbled the streusel topping on it and diced up some apples... and it was GOOD! Really nice to have something tasty and warm in our bellies.

I found this sweet little thing peeking through his crib slats while we waited on breakfast :)

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